Proactive Janitorial Management Equals Success

Learn how EMS uses our software to win and keep clients.

Achieve Your Own Results Today

EMS Used Our Work Order and Inspection Software To:

Executive Management Services (EMS) uses our software to proactively monitor and manage quality. The result, customer satisfaction has improved by 90%.

Did you know that 96% of unhappy building patrons leave without ever voicing a complaint?! Use our digital work order inbox to improve customer satisfaction by instantly funneling service requests to your frontline team.

Digital Work Orders

Within six months of getting CleanTelligent online and getting people familiar with it, our response times went from almost weekly to hourly. We were getting back to our clients almost immediately.

Roger Lancefield
Executive Management Services

All Rights Reserved. CleanTelligent Software ® 2020

460 N. University Ave. Ste. #203 Provo, UT USA 84601

Phone: (801) 960-4460 Email:

Customizable Inspections

Our software gives you the freedom to create custom inspection lists and grading scales. Once on-site, your inspector can open the app, rate each item, add pictures, and notes to the report in real-time. Once submitted, the software will convert any deficient score into a work order.




Improve Employee Efficiency

Increase Client Satisfaction

Decrease Response Time